What I “LIKE” About Wheatland: By Lisa Wasson

Lisa lives in the Hamlet of Mumford, is an elected member of the Wheatland Town Board and currently serves as Deputy Town Supervisor.

“My two girls and I moved to the Town of Wheatland almost 10 years ago. What drew me to this lovely historic area is just that plus the school systems.  I wanted a Town for my family that had character, charm, history and a “Norman Rockwell” feel to it.  The schools were very important to me, I wanted my children to be apart of a system where they were not just a number.  They knew all their classmates and received the benefit and advantages of a closer teacher to student ratio.  Now that my girls are grown and in successful careers much to the part of the school systems; I now have a grandson that I love to walk around the neighborhoods with admiring the creeks, the libraries, antique stores, parks and much more.  Everyone waves and makes you feel like you are part of this community as a family and not just a tax payer.”